This will help you obviously get their attention and maybe even get him to come up and talk to you! Find a suitable place at your home. Bad boys will probably ask you to do things you normally wouldn't do such as drugs to enhance your sexual experience, threesomes, ask to drive your car or for you to give them money so remember you still have to look in the mirror and like what you see in the morning. Don't go crazy over the pictures. Take the time to craft a really great profile, which includes a recent, clear picture of yourself. How to Dating a Bad Boy. Women like and want to be touched in other places than the norm. or, How about coffee sometime? If you think the article offers complete and accurate instructions, feel free to remove this tag! If you know her well enough, try a tickle! Think about how you would feel going out on a date with someone who seemed like a match, only to find out that he misrepresented himself on his profile. Do remember that this is a dating site, not a job interview. Think about the shared interests that attracted you to your date in the first place, then delve into them further. Don't refer to her. It's just gonna make me think you're a pretentious prick online dating sites with a prick the size of a cocktail weenie. Just make sure that whatever you learn about her and try to make funny is not something sacred to her. Don't beg! If skin is touching skin, then no matter what you're talking about (even underwater basket weaving), it will be romantic. Music and movement release endorphins (happy hormones) and getting the blood pumping will give you a natural healthy glow. Smile, this shows confidence. I think some things should be kept to a minimum until you meet somebody, and even when you go on a first date you shouldn't talk too much about your personal life, says Bilotta. Talking on the phone is one thing, but actually spending time together can be awkward, uncomfortable, and a waste of time if he is not the type of man you are looking for, so, yeah, scope him out first.