Do concentrate on the dating websites written word. For you, this means accepting that what might have worked for girl won't necessarily work with girl. Included in this list should be: your personality traits and those of a desired mate, your physical traits, and the desired physical traits your mate will have, as well as interests and hobbies, religion and beliefs (both yours and if your mate must be the same religion or hold a similar belief system or lack thereof), desire for children and your willingness to accept another's children, your communication style, etc. Most lines are corny and with the advent of the internet, everyone's read them. If you're near a bed, throw her on the bed. Don't go overboard on communication. Never laugh at your joke until others laugh. It's just too hard, so use this to your advantage. If it's novel and exciting, it's bound to make her laugh. Hopeless romantics can be low-maintenance dates/partners. You can do it over. If you take a look over this, it'll be easier for you to recognize what personality types you got along with the best. Do it when he or she is alone. Don't brag about inappropriate things. Here are some ideas for things to ask about. The qualifications on this is that she must be someone who doesn't mind being tickled. It might be hard to admit to a guy/girl that you are into them without giving too much away, and then they might take advantage. If he can't share feelings with you, that is very bad. If you'd like to, grab a buddy to help you through this. Don't tell anyone that you are dating/seeing a guy who has a girlfriend, even if she is in another country people will judge you harshly. What you want to study. But on the other hand, don't be a perfectionist and demand impossibly high standards of the other person. Here are some tips for successfully dating a millionaire without feeling inferior, coming across as a gold digger, or just plain not enjoying the whole date! If you guys are closer, it's good to have cheeks touching.